Umi Daris Salamah
(Akidah dan Filsafat UIN Walisongo Semarang)
Rasulullah is the perfect guide with the higher model then
the others. Even time always in turn he always be the best guide. Allah said in
qur’an : “ Allah more know where He put the prophet assignment. “ ( al-an’am :
124 ). The perfectness of Rasul is universal. He point out all the thing to our
life all of the time. And one of the lodly character of Rasulullah is the shy
and tawadlu’.
Rasulullah is the mousy one. Abu Said al-Khudri describe it
as what Bukhari and Muslim tale that Rasul is mousier than the porposed girl
who stand behind her screen. “
Tawadhu'nya (sifat rendah hati) Rasulullah SAW terdapat
pada ketinggian manshobah dan derajatnya. Beliau adalah manusia paling rendah hati
dan yang tidak mempunyai kesombongan. Sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW mendapatkan
dua pilihan antara menjadi Nabi berbentuk raja atau Nabi berbentuk hamba
sahaya. Beliau memilih menjadi Nabi berbentuk hamba sahaya.
Tawadlu’s Rasulullah was there on the high of munshobah and
his level. He is the most lowly one and he has no arrogance anymore. Certainly,
he had two choices between became the prophet organized as the king or became
the prophet organized as the servant.
Definition of the shy character
Shy is the characteristic or sensitivity of someone that can
fortify them to do unconscionable and undignified thing. Shy can make someone to be on the glory position. Who did
not have the shy is someone who has the low attitude and cannot handle the passion.
The shy character in Arabic language is al-haya’, it
is the character that can save the owner from some deeds which can make the
owner to be contemptible in front of the human or The God. The others or one’s
own. Who have the shy character are who will not leave their selves to the
objection thing. Many wickedness are there because of the losing of shy
character from the subject.
The word of haya’ is came from the word hayyat it
is mean live. Al-hayya included in af’alul Qolbi it is mean that
more live the heart of someone will make the shy sense of someone bigger then
before. And who has die heart, he will not hard to do the badness. The perfect
one is who has the shy character. Live will be precious when someone has the
shy character on thyself. [2]
Some kinds of the shy character which are adhere on thyself
- Shy with one’s own, shy for more little than others to do the piety to god or the goodness
- Shy with the human,
- Shy with The God, it is the best shy and can bring us to the happiness live. Always believe that God always keep an eye to everything. [3]
The high level of shy character is shy to god, and some
kinds of its shy are :
- Shy in front of God if doing wickedness
- Shy in front of God if did not do observance maximally
- Sh in front of God if did not give thanks to Allah for the luxury which has given to us, and cannot use it well
- Shy in front of God when act up to God,
- Shy in front of God when love Him. [4]
The shy must be explore by everyone in all of their
activities. With it, someone can hold up
from bad, contemptible, and shameful thing. With the shy someone will be
regretful if he or she late for doing the goodness. But, if the shy was lost from someone,
continually his or her characteristic will be worse. Rasulullah said that, “
actually Allah . if He want to kill out someone, He will take the shy
characteristic from him or her. [5]
“When the sense of shy was taken, so you will not meet him
or her except hated. When did not meet except was hated, so will be alienated
herself or himself from the trusteeship. When the trusteeship was alienated, so
you will not find her or him except he or she is the traitor and was sold a
pass. And when he or she is be the traitor, then will be alienated from the
God’s mercy. Then you will not meet her or him except the accursed one. Then will alienated his or her sense of
islam” ( H.R. Ibn Majjah ) [6]
The essence of the shy
Faith and shy is like the two sides of money that will never
be separated. As rasulullah said, “ faith and shy, that two are couple, if
there is no one of them, so it will make other was lose.”
Shy is the nature of the human soul, shy will
be more with the attitude and struggle, it will be less with underestimate to some orders of religion and
some rules of syari’ah. How really that came from sunnah Bukhori and
muslim about Rasulullah has said that.
From Abu Hurairah ra. He said that,
Rasulullah SAW said : “Iman itu terdiri dari 70 atau 60 cabang. Yang paling
utama dari cabang itu adalah ucapan: laa ilaa ha illallah, dan yang
paling rendah dari cabang iman itu adalah menyingkirkan duri di jalan dan malu
itu adalah cabang dari iman.”
The shy was born with man himself that lend
itself to avoid bad deed, and leave unreasonable behavior, also avoid for
dereliction to fulfill the right and obligation. Rsulullah said : “ shy all of
you with The God with the real shy!” [7]
shahabat answer : “ alhamdulillh, we are ashame with Allah , ya
Nabi clarify : “ that is not what I
mean. Shy to God is keep the head and
what has been taken in.” he said again, “ the shy will not bring everything
except the goodness. “[8]
The Shy characteristic of Prophet Muhammad
The shy characteristic is included of the good character.
Someone who has no shy sense is someone who has no good characteristic anymore,
because shy is the part of the faith. The essence of shy is the alteration that
is brought on by the worried sense of the hated and bad deed and speech.
Actually The signal will look from the change of face expression or leave from
what that has been worried that it will be hated. [9]
Some examples of the shy characteristic of rasulullah are :
“ sesungguhnya yang demikian itu akan mengganggu Nabi lalu
Nabi malu kepadamu ( untuk menyuruh kamu keluar ) dan Allah tidak malu
menerangkan yag benar.” ( QS. Al-Ahzab: 53 )
This is The God’s testimony of the essence of Rasulullah’s
Characteristic of shy.
Because of the big of rasulullah’s characteristic of shy, he
never see someone else adhering. He also always use some illustration if he was
forced to talk about what he was hate for.
Aisyah said that, “ I never saw Rasulullah’s aurat and he
also never saw my aurat.”
Rasulullah is the mousy one. Abu Said al-Khudri describe it
as what Bukhari and Muslim tale that Rasul is mousier than the porposed girl
who stand behind her screen. “ rasul’s shy hold up him to name the other with
what he hated. And he would named with other mentioning. [10]
At the other tale had been said that when there was
something made Rasul angry there is the unapproved thing, it would appeared
from his face. And because of his shy, he would not said anything which touched
on the other. But if it should be needed, he would use a play upon word. Or he
order to sahabat to extend about what had been needed to made the wrong
one to be correct one clearly. [11]
The suggestion to shy behavior
Rasulullah order to his members to have shy
behavior. It is included on the part of faith. He said, “ if you do not have
the shy so do what you want, up to you. “ it is mean that if you do not have
the shy that hold up you to do the badness, so do it over what do you want to
do. And it is the threat.
This hadist said about the permission to do
something that do not look make shy base on syara’ even it look for
shame base on a ignominy, so do up to you. For example, Rasulullah did not look
at other continually, he turn from someone that has bad speech and he would
moved to other topic.
Sayyidah Aisyah said that : “ if there is
something that was hated by Rasul, he did not say ‘ what fulan mean to
say thus ?’ but he said,’ what the meaning of someone said like that?’ he avoid
fulan to do something without named him. “
Rasulullah will extend what he want to inform
with a play upon word with something which is forced to be explore, if it is
not suitable to tell directly.
The humble ( Tawadlu’ ) character of Rasulullah
as the perfect one has tawadlu’ character and it has been his habitual since
his child. So far before he became the prophet. Before he became the prophet he
had been well-known as al-Amin . It made he became the prophet as the
virtuous and has lodly character at his perfectness. Aisyah concluded his character is Qur’anic character. Like what
Allah said in Qur’an :” and you are really have the lodly character.’ (
al-Qolam : 4 )
The humble of Rasulullah had got up the top level. He did
not want to differ to the others about everything. He did not want the other to
stand because of their honor to his coming. He also did not want to his members
got over of worship him like what has been done by the other prophet get from
their members. [12]
Rasulullah also cleaned his home, bond his camels, drunk the
rain water, ate with his assistants, made the bread with his wife and also
brought his necessaries to the market. “[13]
Tawadlu’ is the good character that is loved by Allah and
His Rasul. So who has tawadlu’ will take up his or her level in front of human
both in the word or the hereafter. And will not enter to the heaven who has
arrogant on thyself. [14]
Rasulullah also seat with his
members, advice them and order them to has tawadlu’. His high level did not
make him far from his obligation to his family as the leader of his house hold.
Because of this, even he is so busy, he always make use of his time to do the
house hold work.
Jabir , Abu Bakar
Al-Jazair. , 2008. My Bleoved Prophet, Jakarta : Qisthi Press
M Rofiqi dkk, dalam
Papernya Sifat Malu
Alwi , Sayyid Muhammad
Al-Maliki. 1999. Insan Kamil, Sosok Keteladanan Muhammad, Surabaya :
Dunia Ilmu
Ali , Abul Hasan
Al-Husaini. 2001. Sirah Nabawiyah, terj. Oeh Muhammad Halabi Hamdi,
Yogyakarta : Mardliyyah Press
Fatani , Abdul Halim.
2008. Ensiklopedia Hikmah, Yogyakarta : Darul Hikmah,
[1] Abdul Halim Fatani, Ensiklopedia Hikmah, Yogyakarta
: Darul Hikmah, 2008, hlm. 412
[2] ibid, hlm. 223
[3] Ibid, hlm. 413
[4] Ibid, hlm 223
[5] Ibid, hlm. 413
[6] Ibid.
[7] Sayyid Muhammad Alwi Al-Maliki, Insan Kamil, Sosok
Keteladanan Muhammad, Surabaya : Dunia Ilmu, 1999, hlm. 135
[8] Abul Hasan Ali Al-Husaini, Sirah Nabawiyah, terj. Oeh Muhammad Halabi
Hamdi, Yogyakarta : Mardliyyah Press, 2001, hlm. 541
[9] Abu Bakar Jabir Al-Jazairi, My Bleoved Prophet,
Jakarta : Qisthi Press, 2008, hlm. 646
[10] Abul Hasan Ali Al-Husaini, Sirah Nabawiyah, terj. Oeh Muhammad Halabi
Hamdi, Yogyakarta : Mardliyyah Press, 2001, hlm. 541
[11] Sayyid Muhammad Alwi Al-Maliki, Insan Kamil, Sosok
Keteladanan Muhammad, Surabaya : Dunia Ilmu, 1999, hlm. 136
[12] Abul Hasan Ali Al-Husaini, Sirah Nabawiyah, terj. Oeh Muhammad Halabi
Hamdi, Yogyakarta : Mardliyyah Press, 2001,, hlm. 539
[13] Ibid, hlm. 541
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